Latino Leadership Initiative
Stay in touch!
Alumni Association
Life, career, community


The alumni page contains news about alumni affairs and such updates about their careers, lives and communities as they choose to include.

Many of our alumni are well into careers and adult lives and constitute a valuable resource for LLI, often volunteering as mentors.

Why should you participate?

  • stay in touch
  • join hands and further your mutual career growth
  • include LLI alumni membership in your résumé to show your civic engagement

Think Big!
This feature is under continuous development. If you would like to be involved, contact the editors.

Alumni News

Articles from the News categorized as Alumni.
EPA Invites Youth to Serve on National Environmental Youth Advisory Council
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the agency’s first-ever National Environmental Youth Advisory Council (NEYAC). This is to provide advice and recommendations on how to increase EPA’s efforts to address environmental issues and give a perspective on how the impacts of climate change and other environmental harms affect youth communities.

The EPA is looking to fill 16 vacancies on the NEYAC for ages 16 to 29. There is a webinar August 7th and applications are due August 22nd. Please see the EPA website for more information.

LLI Launches Alumni Association
If you are a current or former participant in Latino Leadership Initiative, you are invited to join the LLI Alumni Assn. All former speakers, organizers and staff are also encouraged to join.

We have launched with only current members already enrolled. We will be adding login data and notifying others with whom we are still in touch. If we fail to include you, it may be due to a change in your contact data; feel free to inform us using the Contact link on the About page.

The basic features of the LLI Alumni Assn. are now active. Current students are enrolled; previous students can be added (a few are named but without class years).

Members can
1. Sign into the site.
2. Create Updates (personal messages to the group with optional text, link, image). These echo on the home and Members pages.
3. Send private messages to other members.
4. Participate in the Forums, either by commenting or creating topics.

Qualified or selected members can also be given blog access, with or without prior approval.

The purpose, of course, is future recruitment and support as participants advance in their careers.

During testing & shakeout all is public; we may later put content behind login requirement. We are also not yet distinguishing active membership from alumni status, so some information may appear in both contexts.

Suggestions from active users are welcome.

To sign in, click the link below and look for the <i>Sign In</i> link atop any page.