Latino Leadership Initiative
Review event details anew before each meeting, as they may have changed. To insert an event, send the time, date, and other details to the site administrator.

Revise los detalles de nuevo antes de cada reunion; es posible que se hayan cambiado. Para agregar en evento, hay solamente que enviar los detalles al administrador.

Upcoming Events
Apr 13, 2024
3rd Immersion Seminar
Students will learn about multicultural leadership and expectations for formal presentations in a professional western setting.
Time 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Location: University of Washington Bothell
May 11, 2024
Final Project Presentations
Students from Edmonds College, Skagit Valley College, and the University of Washington Bothell will present the service project they conducted.
Time 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Location: Edmonds College
May 18, 2024
Graduation Ceremony
Students from Edmonds College, Skagit Valley College, and the University of Washington Bothell will graduate the Latino Leadership Initiative (LLI) program!
Time 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Location: Skagit Valley College
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