Student Slideshow- The morning started off with each student standing up and introducing themselves. They said their name, school, what they are currently studying or what they want to do as a career in the future.
Leadership Stories- We then introduced a panel of four local leaders in the Skagit County area.
- Claudia Avendano-Ibarra, Human Services Department Chair, Skagit Valley College
- Elizabeth Ibanez, Employment Development Specialist, Worksource Skagit
- Dr. Ismael Vivanco, Superintendent, Mount Vernon School District
- Victor Ponce, North Cascades Program Manager, Center for Inclusive Entrepreneurship
They each answered the following questions that we has prepared for them:
- Which habits, attitudes, or beliefs were the most important in the leadership roles you have held?
- What was the most important lesson you learned when becoming a leader?
- Were there any cultural imperatives that affected your role as a leader?
- From your point of view, what is the most significant issue your school system is facing now?
- To mitigate the current dropout rate, what is your message to parents, students, and the community?
Roundtable Discussions & Lunch with Mentors- We then transitioned into four roundtable discussion groups.
The topics discussed included:
- College Engagement, Leadership, Diversity, and Inclusion- Led by Eduardo Torres, Assistant Director, Center for Student Engagement & Leadership, and, Center for Student Cultural Diversity & Inclusion
- How to create an LLI alumni association?- Led by Rees Clark, Former LETI Board Member and co-founder of Clark Internet that houses LETI's website
- Current Issues affecting the Community- Led by Karla Rios, LETI Board Member and School Counselor at Everett Public Schools
- Internship Opportunities in different areas- Led by Janette Garcia, LETI Board Member and Lead Social Worker at South Park Senior Center
To review the notes from the Roundtable Discussions, click here!
To meet the students and hear what the panelists had to say, watch the recording that is linked below!