Latino Leadership Initiative
Latino Leadership Initiative
LLI 2024 Project Presentations
Saturday, May 11th, we saw students from Edmonds College, Skagit Valley College, and the University of Washington- Bothell come together at the Edmonds College Campus to share their project presentations with the fellow colleges and evaluators.

Getting Started: Life Cases

The Edmonds College group focused their efforts on addressing important facets of life such as Education, Family, Health, Career, Community, and Immigration. Accordingly, they assisted newly arrived parents and families with navigating American resource systems. In their presentation, the Edmonds College Group spoke about four different cases: Immigrants with Degrees Already, Balancing Parent and Student Life, Living Life as an Immigrant, and Advocating for Immigrant Families. Each group member was assigned to a case in which they presented their experience dealing with their respective issue and shared information, statistics, resources, and steps to contribute to a solution. Sharing this information can help community members be able to support others who are experiencing the reality of the presented life cases and are struggling to balance the different areas of life, especially in regards to those who are immigrants.

Inspiring Latino Scholars

The UW Bothell group designed a curriculum to facilitate Mentorship sessions where they provided resources to Bothell High School Latinx students. Bothell High School students were mentored by UW Bothell LLI students to help address college and post-high school graduation career pathways. Mentor session topics include: Things You Don’t Know You Need to Know as a First-Generation Student, Financial Aid, College Application and Admissions Process, Major/Career Explorations, Resume and Personal Statement Workshop, and Visualizing Your College Experience.

Raices Unidas

The Raices Unidas group from Skagit Valley College created a sense of belonging through culture. The young children of immigrants are at a higher risk of joining gangs, largely due to the prevailing loneliness epidemic in the US. In such environments, gangs often fulfill the emotional needs for acceptance and cultural identification that these young individuals lack in their daily lives. Their project was to promote cultural identification with family roots to address this need effectively. Activities included tortilla crafting, folklore dancing, pinata crafting, and a dinner reunion with workshop participants and community members.

O.U.R. Journey Youth Program

The Youth Program Group from Skagit Valley College reached out to the organization O.U.R. Journey to support their community as a whole by helping coordinate a sports play day. Their main focus was to promote and share fun activities with the youth and their parents that stimulate a sense of belonging, happiness, and overall team work within all participants. The play day also served as a a fundraiser for O.U.R. Journey and local nonprofits that share community values.

LLI Website: Leadership Network

The LLI Website: Leadership Network group from Skagit Valley College designed an online platform with information from Skagit Valley College that allows for the distribution of information about LLI. This project gives information of the past LLI members who participated in the LLI class as well as the projects that they developed for the communities

View the Project Presentations Here!

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